Ahead of Halloween, physician practice coders and billers may want to brush up on relevant ICD-10 codes.
Medical Economics rounded up ICD-10 codes to know for Halloween:
1. W49.01: Hair causing external constriction (initial encounter)
2. X99.2: Assault by sword or dagger
3. R44.1: Visual hallucinations
4. W22.02: Walked into lamppost (initial encounter)
5. F40.242: Fear of bridges
6. W54.0: Bitten by a dog
7. R44.0: Auditory hallucinations
8. R46.1: Bizarre personal appearance
9. Y93.D2: Injury due to activity (sewing)
10. Y93.D: Injury due to activities involving arts and crafts
11. Y93.75: Injury due to activity-martial arts
12. W29.301: Contact with power garden and outdoor hand tools and machinery
13. Y04.1: Human bite (initial encounter)
14. A28.1: Cat-scratch disease
15. K03.81: Cracked tooth
16. R10.84: Generalized abdominal pain