How ASCs can reap the benefits of value-based care

The ongoing shift toward value-based payment models has left many healthcare executives weighing the pros and cons of the practice compared to more traditional fee-for-service models.

Becker's connected with Beth LaBouyer, RN, executive director at the California Ambulatory Surgery Association, to see how ASCs can best integrate value-based care into their strategy.

Editor's note: Response has been edited lightly for length and clarity.

Question: Given the growing shift toward value-based care, how do ASCs align with this model, and what role do they play in enhancing the quality of care and optimizing resource utilization?

 Beth LaBouyer: Value-based care is a win for patients, for providers, and for payers – and ASCs are a clear part of the strategy to improve and expand that value. Value-based care looks at the set of health outcomes that matter to patients for their condition, and the costs of delivering those outcomes over the full cycle of care. ASCs can organize their care delivery around a selected set of patient conditions and surgical needs, and then secure the staffing, equipment, training, and resources needed to deliver that care most efficiently. In this way, ASCs optimize the environment and the outcomes so that they are delivering high-quality care safely, effectively and efficiently.

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